31 May 2011

I think I sound alittle too angry on my previous entry. But well, though I'm still a little nuts, I'm feeling better now. Especially when my chinese paper is over. Well, it's not tooo bad, it was alright. But you know, all along, the answer key and I just can't click. Just hope for the best, I believe my hard work would pay off.

Anyway, to keep my 30/5 Chinese paper memorable, I shall just post it up. So in the morning, When I was about the leave house, I saw my mum waiting for me at the door step and said " come, i fetch you to school", aww how lucky, second time in my life, i'm sitting my mum's car. k whatever, back to the point. So when I reached school, I drank the coffee that my mum buoght the day before, and it's a brand that I've never tried. So the coffee is actually high in milk. Being nervous, and bcos of the coffee I had a very bad diarrhoea :( so baddd. So yeah, sat for the paper and I think I'm crazy to actually do the situational writing that I've never tried.

If I get an A2, I'm gonna but 3 packets of tissue from the auntie outside Yewtee Mrt, and run a 10km marathon. Ok, don't mark my words. So yeah, I finished one paper and it felt as if O's over. Then headed out to ball with some of my primary school peeps, it's awesomezzzz. I miss balling, life was so much better when I have basketball :(

So now, my whole body is aching from head to toe and I need to wake up in 7 hours time for lessonz. Me no like mua holidayz.

Ok back to reality. This world is ugly. haha

28 May 2011

Cheeebong bong bong bongggg. I re-read all my posts till April 2010. I myself, saw the contrast between my 2010 posts to my 2011 posts. You see, I used to be humorous(maybe) in my blog posts, cracking little jokes. But right now, my posts are most of the time short, with very upset words and sentences. It's like I'm using different platforms to rant my unhappiness, to vent my anger. Tell me what's up with me.

I USED TO enjoy life so much, and the word to emphasise on is USED TO. No, it's not the problem of growing up. It's the problem of understanding and knowing how bad the situation is. How bad, this whole problem is. Realising what it's gonna happen in the future. Yes, it's all about my past. I kept having nightmares, dreamt that I went back to my past, in that house. Facing people that makes me upset. Having to face all these problems ALL BY MYSELF.

Fucked up, everything. You know, throughout my life, I wouldn't let anything affect my character in school. But on that particular day, I felt ... it's like I can't get back up at all.

This isn't the Pamela I knew.

27 May 2011

Pam oh pam. Sometimes you gotta learn how to put the past behind and not live in your own shadow.

Pam oh pam, you're taking your MT paper in 2 days time and you shouldn't get distracted.

Pam oh Pam, do you even know what you want in life?

That's all, Goood bye

05 May 2011