27 March 2011

Actually I did enter this space a couple of times, but I really have no idea if I should start on my ranting spree here again. You see, I've been ranting again and again, and nothing seems to be changing. It's like my mind is set, but I'm not making any progress.. Well, life is full of headaches, and my headaches comes from 3 different aspects. A lame example is that I'm telling myself that I'm gonna get an A2 for my chinese paper and I'm still slacking and failing away. You see, this part of me is sucha turn off. Ok, quit ranting, a good week ahead.

To the happier stuff, We got west zone champ 3 weeks ago!

07 March 2011

Arghhh, I know I'm not suppose to be using the laptop now, but i'm seriously going insane~ Ahh, I've been telling myself that I'm not nervous or whatsoever. But the effect is coming! It's happening now! I wanna scream! It may sound exaggerating, but it's really crazy. Why? Bcos I've been waiting to play finals for like 1 whole bloody year! Bcos I failed last year, and I wanna get back there! Do you know that kind of feeling!?

Ok, chill. *breath in and out, Out and in*

So tmr..

I, Pamela Loh, will COMPOSE MYSELF.
I, Pamela Loh, will keep calm throughout the match, regardless winning or losing.
I, Pamela Loh, will minimise the turnovers.
I, Pamela Loh, will not get angry.
I, Pamela Loh, will make an effort to put in every basket.
I, Pamela Loh, will never ever give up.
I, Pamela Loh, will not be USELESS TMR!

We, USSBBG, is going to win. We are going to put up an awesome performance.