25 February 2011

Ohmama, look at those abs. I want it! Haha, but I doubt i'm working towards it. Loool, i've been eating like a glutton. I spend my money on food when I said that I'm on a diet. And my diet plan only lasted for 3 days i guess? But well, it's gonna be semis soon, I can't let myself be skinny and weak and let them push around right.

Anyway, we had training for this entire week. Monday was normal training, Tues was 10 rounds around the field, which was good and awesome(no joke), plus some physical training. Wed, normal training, thursday is 10 rounds around the canteen plus some revising of formations. And Lastly, on TGIF, it's normal training again. You see, this week is indeed a very tiring week. With some council issues to settle, trainings, test and everything. It's definitely not easy.

I set up a timetable for myself to do revision everyday. Though I didn't go according to my timetable, but I still managed to make a slight improvement. Which is good. Sec 4 life isn't easy at all! I don't even have time for myself. Weekdays, lessons, AEP, training, self revision. Nah, I'm not ranting, in fact I gotta say that I'm sort of enjoying the process. Though i'm really guilty for my terrible attitude during self trainings. It's like I'm asking myself in my head " didn't you said that you're gonna do anything just to win this semis !?". But I'm seriously very tired on some days, and that explains my foul attitude.

Well, I went to some kindergaten today to do my CIP and it was good! Because they are frigging cute. And it sort of reminds me of my kindergarten days. I remembered that I wasn't a cute kid at all when I was 5/6 years old. I look at my kindergraten photo and I have this need-a-smacking face. haha.

Alright that's all I guess. I feel like running the track or something now. Lol, and, I didn't know that the feeling of TGIF could be soo good till this year. It makes me smile. Like there's finally a rest day after 5 LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG days.

20 February 2011

Alright, i'm back. didn;t bother to step in here for the pass few weeks. Like what's the point when everything that I'm gonna say is just negative stuff. Ok, so here's a summary of these few weeks.

Well, I don't know why(maybe bcos of being a sec4 kid), I'll feel extremely worn out by the end of the week. Like I'll always have this very "TGIF' kind of feeling. But, my weekends ain't any awesome. I've gotta rush all my homework, esp my chinese. And ya, so many other stuff that just screw my weekends away. I guess I really have to adapt to this bcos it's gonna get tougher after this month. (ohno) Matches, trainings, homework, school, extra lessons. (N)

Anw, for this year, I'm kind of scared for this season. Though we manage to enter top 4, but this isn't the end of it. I really really wanna push myself harder, and get back all my confidence. I'm failing. Well, just hope that I'll make full use of next week to get back whatever that I've lost.

Today, marks the end of my u15 jouney. I remember hesitating about joining since i know my standard. But I've never regretted making this choice as I met really awesome people who i'll miss so damn freaking much. And all the drills that we did, which I enjoyed doing actually. The coach, the people there are just nice. Aw man, now i'm in a dilemma. Should I continue to u17 or should I just concentrate more on my studies(hopefully). Sigh, hate to make decisions that would affect my future.

Actually if i look deeper. I've got like alot of decisions to make. JC or poly? If i go JC, can i cope? DSA? and if i go for DSA, I need to have a record of being in the u17 so that I'll enter the school easier. And if I DSA, what school can I go to? A levels? If I choose Poly, what course can I enter? Is that course the best for me? How much should I aim? Will I regret entering a poly? See, these questions have been pondering in my mind. Sigh, and the best part, I've gotta really make a choice soon so that I would not be so vex and that I'll have an aim. What's more, I believe that DSA selection is coming soon.

Drop all these shit stuff. I enjoyed myself today with 12 of my classmates. It's realy madness. From starting the fire, to peeling 2 containers of prawns! Plus playing kinec which made me sweat like mad. My classmates are crazy actually. Especially, when all of us became World champions. You see, it's good to see all the noobs play together, then to see the pros do it. That's where all the laughter came from. Heehee. Thanks for this awesome day!

Alright, that's all. Tiring week ahead, I'll pull through it.

06 February 2011

It's the fact and nothing but the fact.
Man, I sort of feel like going overseas to study after my o levels.
So that I can concentrate better and do even better.
But nah, my parents wouldn't allow this. :(