28 December 2010

I like this picture, I dont know why. It's like there are so many things happening at the same time. Things that not everyone understands, problems where there's no resolution and you can only close one eye or 'swallow it'. I know I gotta get use to this but look, it's eaiser said than done.
Life's fair? I doubt so.

26 December 2010

What a joyous day. Where all 8 cousins, 3 aunts, 1 uncle, 2 son-in-laws, 1 daughter-in-law and a pair of the founder of all of us, come together to take a family potrait. Woke up and headed to the studio called 'Picture me'. The ladies did the make up and the photoshoot started. It took so long and it's damn tiring. Imagine taking photos, changing clothes, for 5 hours! But, it's the process that matters right? So yeah, everything was good, laughter and smiles. It's like Chinese New Year man!

Headed to Chinatown with my Opera make up, as if i'm going for some getai there. Had our dinner and it's the best dinner I ever had. I swear the food is damn fantastic. Best that I've ever eaten. Gosh, I'm drooling already. (Sidetrack alittle) My aunt just came back from Taiwan and she didn't bring her singapore mobile phone here. So she borrowed a mobile phone from my grandma. Then she check out her contat list and was wondering why is there so many 'a' names in it. So she click 'a' and all the names is like ah hock, ah leong, ah lye, ah bing, ah huat, ah sim etc. All the Ah something kind. Goodness, we laughed like shit man seriously. I really wonder how my grandma search for the contact numbers.
Alright, shall show you guys my favourite 3 photos of the process.

Happy grandparents with abner

The first, second and third grandchildren

Lastly, the newest family member! AXEL!
That's all. I'll upload the rest of the photos in fb if i'm not lazy. Heehee. Jamie and Shaun are staying over for one night and one msg have to spoil EVERYTHING! MST - 10 to1230, Training 1 to 230 and match at 5.15pm. Sian anot you tell me! Grrrrr.. SPOILER!

25 December 2010

I'm back from somewhere so nice, so beautiful. Somewhere which have all that I want - the sea, the sun, the waves, the stars. Weee~ I don't mind living there forever. Somewhere so beautiful. I felt as if I'm in heaven, no stress, no one can contact me, no homework (lol). Haha, for now I've gotta wake up and come back to reality. For goodness sake, I'm living in singapore. All singaporean students are having stress! And that's the fact! I don't want to come back to reality :(

Anyway, Merry christmas and may all your wishes come true. :)

23 December 2010

I'll be away from life for ALITTLE while. Yeepee~
Will be back when the santa's ready.

20 December 2010

Is it the liqour, the PMS or is it just me.
My brain is running wild, again.

18 December 2010

I'm currently having my study-till-5am plan. But it's only 12mn and i'm slacking away. Heehee, Anyway, I was thinking that instead of taking wedding car during my wedding, i want to take



back to the BOOKS that smells like poo.

So what would you wish for this christmas?
I've got a never ending list actually. But most importantly, I hope my teeth would feel better and that I don't have to drink porridge everyday :(

13 December 2010

Sometimes I thought, why live life so seriously? Stressing yourself out with studies, sports, friendship(sometimes), relationship etc. Trying to make every part of these perfect, or perhaps just trying your best in all these things, trying to please everyone but not yourself. In a way or another, I'm tired. I feel like changing. Live life differently, maybe counting each days as it goes instead of having a goal each day.
All these times, I've been living the life of what everyone wish to have instead of living the life that I want it to be. Ok, maybe you guys don't get it. Bcos it's just so hard to put it into words.

12 December 2010

Sooo.. two nights ago, i was digging through my 2008 photos and I laughed at myself for like 2 hours? Haha, soo much memory and stuff. A part of my life, at that time, was almost perfect I guess. yada yada, I know I've been talking alot about 2008 recently and they would end up saying " yala, you and your 2008" haha. Bcos it's the 8 year, which makes 8 so nice. Heehee..
Anyway, I met up with faith today to do some catching up and also for her birthday treat. I was late for 30 mins, and she was late for 40 mins. Haha. Ok, counted as my fault actually. lol. So we went astons for lunch, 313 to get her sis's christmas gift, Timah for ice-cream and back home. We talked like for 5 hours straight?! Neeways, it's nice la, like once in a while kind of thing. Too bad no photos for today. But I have a photo taken in 2008! hahaha, don't kill me.

Not too bad what, right?

08 December 2010

You just gotta admit that this photo is good. Haha.

Neeways, my life is back to normal. Sleeping late, waking up late. Use the Net whole day. But oh wells, This time round, I'm flooded with homework. I'm not going to complain, because I know what I want to get next year. Heehee. Balling these few days were good, shiok. It's been so long since I go streetballing. But it seems like I've alot to catch up on as I felt that I've deproved. Hmmm.. so balling for the pass two days, balling again later and training for the next two days. My passion is burning dude!

I had 2 really funny dreams last night. Ok first, I dreamt that I drove a car and was caught by a police, and I lied to the police (Idk what la). Then I was sentence to JAIL for 18 months. And I cried, like seriously. I woke up in the middle of the night with lotsa tears in my eyes and at that time I still thought that everything was REAL! So I kept crying till I fell asleep. LOL. Ok next, I dreamt that school starts at 1.30pm and I'm late for school. Lame I know.

Guess that's all. I want to post about my malaysia trip, SLC 2010 and taiwan trip! BUT I HAVE NO MOOD LA. Tsk.

05 December 2010

SLC 2010 `survivor edition


I'm Back and I'm not travelling anymore! I'm happy I guess? It's so tiring! November is sucha fruitful month, so much happenings. Just got home from taiwan last night and I slept for 16 solid hours. I swear i've never slept for this long man. The longest was 13 hours I think? Oh wellsssss, I've got no mood to bog nowww. Photos will be up on fb soon!